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Reflective Breathing Therapy RAT is a holistic neurophysiological treatment method. Breathing is connected with all body regions and functions. Involuntary physiological breathing is controlled by various mechanisms. The holistic concept of RAT affects all body structures. RAT is effective for a variety of ailments and diseases such as scleroderma. Rehabilitation of the pelvic floor pregnancy and back pain dripping from sneezing, laughing, coughing keyhole phenomenon Dribbling Prostate pain Prostate surgery Pain instead of pleasure WC - Focus
Dizziness and imbalance Do you know the problem? Both can limit your daily activities and quality of life. When one or more of the sensory systems for balance (inner ear, sense of sight, vision) or processing in the brain are impaired, dizziness occurs. The causes of vertigo and imbalance vary. Because of its complexity, multiple forms of vertigo can occur simultaneously, due to the variety of symptoms and impairments.
Manual lymphatic drainage The body's lymphatic system is responsible for absorbing fluid (lymph) from the tissues and draining it into the blood vessels. Impaired functionality of this drainage system, for example as a result of injury or after surgery, can lead to accumulation of fluid in the spaces between cells. As a result, swelling (edema) may occur. Manual lymphatic drainage is a decongestive measure that stimulates the motor functions of the lymphatic vessels, thus facilitating the removal of excess tissue fluid. In addition, lymphatic drainage has a strong relaxing and calming effect and stimulates the immune system.
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Birck Daniela
Kasinogässchen 1 8200 Schaffhausen
Daniela Birck
Birck Daniela