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Zénith Physio Sàrl Cernier (Cernier)

0 Reviews

About Us

Founded in 2007, Zénith Physiothérapie is located in the heart of Neuchâtel, in a warm, modern setting. The practice has a spacious fitness center, available to patients during their rehabilitation. In 2011, Zénith Physiothérapie opened a new practice in La Chaux-de-Fonds and more recently, in 2016, in the heart of Val-de-Ruz, in Cernier. Zénith Physiothérapie welcomes active people of all ages. Sports enthusiasts will find equipment and expertise particularly suited to their needs. You can take advantage of these services with a doctor's prescription or by contacting the practice directly.

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Manual therapy
Sports physiotherapy
Trigger Points / Dry Needling
Medical massage


Home vis­its
Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance



Location and contact

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Zénith Physio Sàrl Cernier

  • office address office address

    Rue Comble Emine 1 2053 Cernier

  • Phone Phone
    0792... Show number 079 292 52 52
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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Zénith Physio Sàrl Cernier

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07:00 - 19:00 opening hours
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