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Rundumphysio GmbH (Gebenstorf)

Rundumphysio GmbH has been rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

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About Us

The name says it all! "all around" means that you as a patient are the center. We align the therapy together with you in order to provide you with full satisfaction. As a patient, you receive the best possible quality of our therapy services, and your satisfaction is our incentive. Due to our flexible opening hours you have the possibility to arrange individual appointments with us, to treat you on the same day even in case of emergencies and thus to minimize waiting times. It is also possible to carry out therapy/treatment at your home - this ensures that we can accompany you in any situation.

Physiotherapy offers

  • Classical massage
  • Manual therapy of the spine and extremities
  • Manual lymphatic drainage
  • Medical training therapy
  • Therapy before and after operations
  • Treatment of rheumatic diseases
  • Neurological treatment with PNF after a stroke or intervertebral disc prolapse
  • Myofascial therapy
  • Pelvic floor training - diagnosis and treatment with biofeedback, Tens
  • respiratory therapy
  • Electrotherapy for pain
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Electrotherapy for muscle building after accident or illness
  • Kinesio-Taping
  • These treatments are covered by health insurance with a doctor's prescription.

This text has been machine translated.


Manual therapy
Medical massage
Lymphatic drainage
Neurological physiotherapy


Ex­press treat­ment
Home vis­its
Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by

Emergency Service

Emergency services provided



Location and contact

Show directions

Rundumphysio GmbH

  • office address office address

    Geeligstrasse 1 5412 Gebenstorf

  • Drazen Silvasi

  • Phone Phone
    0565... Show number 056 560 37 90 *
    0793... Show mobile number 079 395 65 74 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


Do you wish to rate "Rundumphysio GmbH"?

Rundumphysio GmbH has been rated 3.7 out of 5 stars
3 Reviews

Review from Sabina L.


Lack of medical history, information not shared, invoices not accurate *

2 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

Rundumphysio GmbH has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

* These texts have been automatically translated.

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Rundumphysio GmbH

open now
View opening hours
Mon - Fr
08:00 - 12:00 opening hours
14:00 - 19:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun