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Twiss Therapie und Training (Buchs SG)

Twiss Therapie und Training has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
39 Reviews

About Us

Our philosophy and way of working: We promote health and prevent disease. Our clients benefit from our many years of practical experience and expertise. We are open and honest in our dealings with you and clearly discuss treatment options. We work closely with specialists in medicine, therapy and exercise and refer you to colleagues as needed to ensure proper care.

Treatment and Training: In physical therapy, we use manual techniques such as massage, pressure applications and stretching, supported by modern methods such as light therapy, heat therapy, vibration therapy, electrotherapy, oxygen therapy and more. Our priority is pain relief and promoting mobility based on individual needs.

Modern equipment: We use innovative and safe equipment in physical therapy, medical exercise therapy and personal treatment that meets the highest medical standards and complements traditional therapy.

Our Practice: Our rooms offer cleanliness, brightness, fresh air and pleasant fragrances for your well-being. We value our profession and the trust of our patients. We strive to do everything possible for your well-being every day.

Twiss Therapy and Training in Buchs SG:

Our offers:

We are an accredited physiotherapy practice (by Swiss health insurance companies) and ASCA recognized, so our services are partially or fully covered by ASCA affiliated health insurance companies.

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Manual therapy
Sports physiotherapy
Trigger Points / Dry Needling
Medical massage
Lymphatic drainage
Neurological physiotherapy
Pregnancy physiotherapy
Shockwave therapy
Blood flow restriction training
Vibration training Galileo
Interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy (IHHT)
Automated respiratory training/Idiag P100
Home visits


Home vis­its
Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance



Location and contact

Show directions

Twiss Therapie und Training

  • office address office address

    Altendorferstrasse 38 9470 Buchs SG

  • Michiel Twiss

  • Phone Phone
    0796... Show mobile number 079 609 74 97 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Twiss Therapie und Training has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
39 Reviews

1 reviews from older local.ch. archives

Data from June 2019

Twiss Therapie und Training has been rated 5 out of 5 stars
Average: 5,0 of 5

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Twiss Therapie und Training

Mon - Fr
06:00 - 21:00 opening hours
06:00 - 15:00 opening hours
Phone visit site
Phone visit site