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What services can I offer you? Make an appointment with an osteopath near Meyrin. Osteopathy is an alternative therapy to physiotherapy. After observing your posture, osteopaths use fine palpation to detect tensions or imbalances that cause pain or discomfort, and then perform manipulations to restore balance. Osteopathy is a holistic therapy with its own methods of "body diagnosis" and treatment. It can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Osteopathy is first and foremost recognized for its ability to alleviate musculoskeletal conditions and disorders, of which back pain is a major part. Make an appointment with an osteopath in Meyrin
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Ricard Marie-Hélène
Rue des Boudines 17 1217 Meyrin
Marie-Hélène Ricard
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Data from June 2019
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