Treatments for illnesses and complaints in the fields of orthopaedics, rheumatology, neurology, as well as after accidents, injuries and operations.
- Classic massage
- Connective tissue massage
- Fascia therapy
- Lymphatic drainage
- Manual therapy
- Trigger point treatment
- Kinesio taping
- Flossing
- Treatment based on the concept of postural therapy according to Dr. med. E. Rašev (training structure for muscular stabilization of the deep, persistent postural muscles).
- Treatment with the Pneumatron 200 (pulsation massage device. The pneumatic pulsation massage according to Deny combines the classic methods of cupping, lymphatic drainage and massage or reflexology in one. With gentle negative pressure and atmospheric pressure, the tissue is sucked in and immediately relaxed again - approx. 200 times per minute. This optimal frequency of the pneumatic pulsation massage stimulates the movement of all tissue fluids and causes the tissue to vibrate. The negative pressure waves also affect the deeper tissue. Depending on your physical constitution and BMI, you can reach areas up to 8 cm deep into the body that are difficult or impossible to reach manually. Many complaints are caused by adhered fascia. The fascial tissue, which keeps our entire body in shape, is mobilized by PPM and prevented from "matting").
- Electrotherapy
- Home visits