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About Us

Physiotherapy for children and adolescents In our physiotherapy practice, infants, children and adolescents are treated and supported according to their age and stage of development. Through targeted further training and several years of professional experience in the field of pediatrics, we can competently address the concerns, questions and problems of children and their parents. As an individual, your child is the focus of all aspects of physiotherapy. The physiotherapeutic work and the setting of goals with the children always takes place in close cooperation with the parents, with doctors, teachers and with other reference persons. In our work we apply different therapy concepts and methods. On request, we also carry out domiciliary treatments.

Reasons for a physiotherapeutic treatment for children can be:

Motor developmental delay or developmental abnormality Body asymmetries, head misalignment and plagiocephaly Neurological diseases and syndromes Respiratory problems Orthopedic abnormalities Coordination and perception problems After surgical interventions, orthopedic operations and fractures Registration Registration is done by the physician. Physiotherapy is generally covered by the health insurance or the IV.

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Manual therapy
Neurological physiotherapy


Recog­nised by health in­sur­ance
Train/Bus sta­tion near­by



Location and contact

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KinderPhysiotherapie Wil

  • office address office address

    Churfirstenstrasse 54 9500 Wil SG

  • Christiane Pfeiffer-Müggler

  • Phone Phone
    0719... Show number 071 920 12 12
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site


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KinderPhysiotherapie Wil

Mon - Fr
09:00 - 12:00 opening hours
14:00 - 17:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun
Phone visit site
Phone visit site