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Physiotherapie Postmarkt AG (Grenchen)

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About Us

Our group practice offers all services of modern physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, manual therapy and ergonomics. Our services are paid by health insurance, Suva, and all common insurances on medical prescription.

With us the individual, personal support stands in the foreground Our first concern is to find out your current problem and its cause. With targeted questions, we explore all factors that may contribute to the emergence and development of the problems. These questions concern, for example, your pain, limitations, other physical complaints and your current life situation. You will then be examined comprehensively and systematically, both in the region of your pain and in body regions that may be related to it. The intensity and extent of the examination will be tailored to your individual needs. Together with you, we will set up the goal and the treatment plan, which will be based on this examination. The identified disorders are treated with specially selected measures.

These measures include, for example:

Techniques to improve joint function and nervous system mobility. Exercises to improve muscular imbalances Training and education of everyday and sport-specific movement sequences. Education about the context of the origin of the problem to ensure long-term treatment success and prevent recurrences Self-exercises and training programs for self-help

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Manual therapy
Sports physiotherapy
Lymphatic drainage


female professional
male professional
Recognised by health insurance
Train/bus station close by



Location and contact

Show directions

Physiotherapie Postmarkt AG

  • office address office address

    Kirchstrasse 1 2540 Grenchen

  • Phone Phone
    0326... Show number 032 652 28 27 *
  • Write an e-mail Write an e-mail
  • Visit site Visit site Visit site
  • * No listing required


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Physiotherapie Postmarkt AG

Mon - Thur
07:00 - 19:00 opening hours
07:00 - 17:00 opening hours
Sat - Sun
Phone visit site
Phone visit site